Category Archives: News

2012 Air Quality Updating and Screening Assessment

Monitoring continues to find potential and actual exceedences at relevant locations inside and outside of the existing AQMAs.

Most monitoring results within AQMAs are not below the current NO2 air quality objective, such that it is not appropriate to revoke any of the AQMAs at this time.

From the limited data available NO2 levels have fallen slightly over the last 3 years at some sites, in many cases trends are flat, a few sites show arising trend.
A Detailed Assessment of Birchwood Road Swanley found that a new AQMA needs to be declared. A DA is still in progress regarding Sevenoaks Quarry. Likely exceedance of the 1 hour NO2 objective continues in part of the High Street Sevenoaks and this is already an AQMA.

  • Monitoring by diffusion tube for Nitrogen dioxide has identified potential exceedances outside of the current AQMAs along the A25. The Council is therefore proceeding to extend and join up the existing 4 AQMAs along this road to form one AQMA corridor along most of this busy main road.
    Our next course of action;-
     Amend AQMAs
     Complete Detailed Assessment of Sevenoaks Quarry
     Submit 2013 Progress Report
     Implement and monitor Action Plan

Read the report here.

Local Transport Plan 2016

The last few years have been particularly exciting times for Sevenoaks. We have made
significant progress in delivering major shopping, leisure, business and housing

The whole of the Sevenoaks community can all share in the successes
of projects such as Highcross, Curve, Phase One of the New Business Quarter and
innovative new housing at Freemens Meadow. Many have been award winning and
all have earned the city widespread recognition.